2020-2021 m. m. Šiaulių Didždvario gimnazijoje savanorišką tarnybą atliko trys Europos solidarumo korpuso savanoriai: Ana Nemsadze (Sakartvelas), Furuza Hasanli (Azerbaidžanas) ir Ömer Yakabağı (Turkija).

Name, surname: Ana Nemsadze
Data: 18/01/1992
Nationality: Georgian ქართველი
Education: Bachelors of English philology (2010-2015). Master’s in Public Administration (just enrolled)
Achievements in education: I am a FLEX(GHSEP) alumni. Have successfully completed programs at the University of Michigan on negotiation skills and strategies, as well as Cambridge University Press MENA webinar series About Formal and nonformal methods of teaching.
Hobby: love reading, listening to good music, traveling, practicing yoga, painting, planting, decorating, hosting and organizing events.
Favorite festival: Easter and Christmas
For the past few years, I am actively involved in volunteering in various projects. Have some experience working with NGO’s, with formal and non-formal associations. My volunteering career started in the USA, as an exchange student and have received President Obama’s Volunteer Service Award and is continuing successfully almost for 10 years. The field of volunteering was various. Starting with helping at school IT department to organize a computer lab for the upcoming school year, including organizing complimentary dinners for veterans and creating events for Nursing home for elderly people. I was helping Art’s Honor Society club to organizing art classes for the children and also have participated in a musical “Grease”. Several years ago, during one of my first visits in the Kakheti region, Georgia, I have discovered a small shelter for homeless kids. I will never forget their bright eyes when my friends and I were sharing stories about travelling and studying abroad. We promised each other to give those children even one happier day in their lives and once in a year we collect books, items for school needs, presents for birthdays, some toys and food.
In my opinion, if you want some changes for good, first, you need to provide a better education for children and young people, because they are the future of the world. As a volunteer, my former experiences working in the non-formal organization HERA IXX, included raising awareness of young people’s sex lives and women’s reproductive systems. With a great team work we have produced informational brochures and with the help of a professional phycologist have researched a better approach with children at school to organize small talks and dialogs about these topics. The most exciting part is the feedback, when you see that they are following, it means you’ve touched the slightest part of your goal.
I am also actively involved in working with formal organizations. For example, CONNECT Aviation – Route development Forum in February 2018. This was my first biggest event I have ever hosted. I was involved in planning and preparing the whole process of the forum. Total 500 guests came from all over the world and everything needed to be organized perfectly. The team from France was amazing and I have learned a lot while working with them.
For me it is always a pleasure and fun to present my country to different people. As much as I adore Georgia, with its culture and traditions, with its incredible nature and hospitality, it’s always mandatory to fill up your mind with different cultures and visions and bring home some good experience to share it with your people. Participating this project will give the opportunity to figure out main point of success in European lifestyle. I will try to figure out the formula of your well-being theory and to compare to ours. It will show me the picture what can I bring to my people to do better, to have better community and be more successful. Georgians have a lot of resources of everything in every field, but we need more experience and knowledge how to do things better so here I am learning and putting up a little part of myself to create better community.
We Georgians, love guests and it’s a well-known fact about our soul of hospitality. Guest is god for each of us, we always try to welcome foreigners with an open arms and big smile, we share a lot of love, warm words and spread the happiness, in the end of the day it is what makes persons day blessed and happy.
საქართველო და ლიეტუა , Saqartvelo and Lietuva have its own similarities and differences, we are like brother and sister. But first of all, we are so proud to have a courage to call each other by our original names. History of fighting all the time for the freedom made our characters brave and undefeated. For now, I am a guest here, am still discovering new details of your history and lifestyle, wondering around the city and visiting interesting places, I am sure that I will feel home in a month or two.

My name is Furuza Hasanli. I am 26 years old. I am from Azerbaijan. I was born in Ganja- the second largest city of Azerbaijan, but I studied in Baku between 2012 and 2016 years. My profession is English literature and language teacher. I graduated from Azerbaijan University of Languages in 2016. I try to grab every useful information for being well-informed person that’s why I spend my time to learn new graphic design programs, read books and, learn new languages, watch movies and surf on Internet and find interesting information. As well as, I think spending free times are linked to personal life style and life goals and my hobbies allow me to express my emotion and solidarity with other people.
I would like to introduce about my volunteering experiences. As a volunteer I have been to Turkey for six weeks via AIESEC in 2018 and that project called Speaking club. As well as, in my country I had been working in non-governmental organization and I had been attending different events there. And I have just started a new volunteering project in Lithuania.
Why I like to be volunteer? In most cases, at the first stage of my life in a new country, I get a chance with merging into the new culture and integrating into the new society. Volunteering activity help me to interact with different people, especially in the workplace, where other volunteers and locals predominantly work. Being a volunteer like working in an international company.
I have different working experiences in various realms. In 2017 I worked as English teacher in my hometown. I taught teenagers and children and helped student for preparing their lessons. Then I moved to Baku – the capital of Azerbaijan in 2019 and I started work as Logistics Specialist in a local branch of American company. And my last job was graphic designer before coming to Lithuania.
There is no little room for doubt that Lithuania is one of the safest countries in the world. There is no little room for doubt that Lithuania is one of the safest countries in the world. However, it will be help to elaborate on both positive and negative effects of daily life from a cultural perspective. In addition, rising of the educational system competency is the main point for me, I can learn new ways of effective educational system from Lithuania. In these years, there is recognition that English is the dominant global language and that’s undeniable that Lithuanian people have one of the best rate of knowing English. It is wonderful chance for improving my English and gain new language from local people. Both can ascend the possibility of a brighter job prospect.

I’m Ömer Yakabağı, a 24 years old English Teacher from Antalya/Turkey. I’ve graduated from Akdeniz University English Language Teacing and worked in ‘International Sports Tourism’ in 2019-2020.