Šiaulių Didždvario gimnazijoje savanoriaujanti Nilufar Badali (Azerbaidžanas), kartu su, Jaunimo agentūros regionine konsultante Sonata Dedūraite, balandžio 11 d. lankėsi Šaukėnų Vlado Pūtvio-Putvinskio gimnazijoje. Vyresnių klasių mokiniams pristatytos savanorystės galimybės pagal Europos solidarumo korpuso programą. Jaunesni mokiniai dalyvavo kūrybiniame Lego užsiėmime „Ateities miestai“.

Nilufar Badali

On April 11, 2024, I visited the Saukenu Vlado Putvio-Putvinskio gymnasium with Youth agency consultant Sonata Deduraite. We had an informative session with high school students regarding European Solidarity Corps projects. Sonata explained the program, how it works, and how to apply, while I talked about my volunteering experience and its benefits.

Afterward, I led a Lego workshop with the students about eco-cities. Firstly, I provided information about sustainable, ecological cities, and then students were tasked with creating their eco-cities with Lego bricks.

The workshop went well, while students learned about the importance of ecological sustainability in urban areas, I got to see different points of view and creative sides of them which I enjoyed a lot.

There was also an Erasmus+ classroom and the posters of previous Erasmus+ Youth exchange projects which surprised us both, me and Sonata. We entered the classroom, introduced ourselves to the students, shared information, and answered questions.

Generally, I can say, I enjoyed the school’s atmosphere and having a good time with the students.